Finnish translations

English and German to Finnish and Finnish to English and German translations


Finnish translation is the most commonly performed service at ScanLang. We work continuously with our Finnish translation partners to handle orders. Thereby it has proven its worth to have the translation performed by two translators, whereby we have the translated text checked at the end by a native German speaker and revised if necessary.

Finland – an important trading partner

Finland is dependent on exports. The key export sectors are transportation, electronics, forestry, machinery, and chemicals. Not only the GDP, which has been rising for a few years, but also other KPIs such as the importance of innovation, education and competitiveness, which has been confirmed by international assessments, has made the „Country of a Thousand Lakes“ into an interesting trade partner.

Germany is still the most important trading partner in Finland. Our translation orders reflect the importance of individual sectors: Finnish producers on the one hand, as well as Austrian and German suppliers on the other, provide process technology and plant engineering in the field of environmental technology. We accompany these projects with our translations, such as the translation the manuals or brochures for example. Especially at our location in Austria, from our translation projects, we see that Finland and Austria are leaders in the field of sustainable technology (waste management, energy generation, process optimisation) and in timber production and processing. With these projects, we have been expanding our specialist terminology and our knowledge for years, which sets us apart from most other market competitors in the translation industry.

Translation juridical texts with certification