Scandinavian tools for client and employee communication

We help our customers improve their communication through the use of new tools. ScanLang specialises in the sales of innovative Scandinavian employee and client dialogue solutions.

Companies that improve their communication with employees and clients gain a competitive edge. Our tools allow our clients to receive or disseminate crucial information in a fully or partially automated manner, systematically increasing their contact rate with customers and employees and receiving continuous feedback and evaluations.

HappyOrNot® – Customer and employee satisfaction improvement

We are the official Austrian distributor for HappyOrNot®, the world’s leading system for improving customer and employee satisfaction.

The HappyOrNot® solution offers a feedback collection and measurement system that helps your company motivate your employees and improve your working culture, competitiveness and profits.

Over 4,000 commercial customers in over 50 countries use HappyOrNot® and have collected over 1 billion ratings.  This Finnish product has over 800 customers in retail alone. Other popular applications for the employee and customer satisfaction tool are hospitality (hotels, health care institutions), personal mobility (rail, airports) and the service industry.